Festival 2010 NL


Semezdin Mehmedinović 1960-...

country: Bosnia
language: Serbo-Croatian
Semezdin Mehmedinoviæ [Bosnia, 1960] lived in Sarajevo during the siege by the Serbs and during that time was active as an editor of the periodical Phantom of Liberty. During the war, he wrote a series of stories and poems about life in the midst of all the horror, published under the title Sarajevo Blues. For some time, Mehmedinoviæ has been living in the United States. There his Nine Alexandrias have appeared, poems written during a ‘cross country’ through the United States of after 9/11.

Unfortionately Mehmedinović will not be present at the festival. His poems will be read by Bernardo Brkic.

Tuesday 21 June, Main Hall, 20.00 hrs.

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