Festival 2010 NL


Gerrit Komrij 1944-...

country: the Netherlands
language: Dutch
Gerrit Komrij [the Netherlands, 1944] is one of the most esteemed poets of the Netherlands and by now best known to the public in general as the first Dichter des Vaderlands (Dutch poet laureate). Komrij has been highly successful within a wide range of literary genres. He has written poetry, novels, plays and razor-sharp essays, for which he is still notorious. Mirjam van Hengel has written about him: ‘There are few poets who have managed to display such supreme elegance in escaping labels and characterisations and who is such a virtuoso at simulating as Gerrit Komrij.’

Saturday 18 June, Main Hall, 20.00 & 21.30 hrs.
Friday 24 June, Main Hall, 21.30 hrs.


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